mSPORTi Sports Scholarship Consultancy

  • 09:30 to 15:30
mSPORTi Sports Scholarship Consultancy


mSPORTi work with the best students and look to place talented young student-athletes from the UK and around the world into the top Independent schools in the UK on sports scholarships.

A scholarship is a means of financial assistance provided by another body or institution so that your child can pursue a line of education that may not be available to them under normal circumstances.

At the present time in the United Kingdom more than a fifth of all pupils at independent schools get some form of financial assistance with fees. Scholarships are generally awarded to pupils for academic, sport, musical or artistic merit and normally do not take financial need into account.

A scholarship can be awarded to any pupil based entirely on their performance within a particular subject or field of education and irrespective of background, class or financial stability.

How Scholarships Are Awarded

Scholarships are awarded normally, as we have already touched on, to those pupils who show exceptional talent and/or intelligence in a particular area. This may be music or the arts or literature or indeed sport and, as such, there needs to be a financial input to enable these pupils to pursue further qualifications in these fields at private independent school level.

In order to do this, private independent schools will hold examinations based upon a shortlist of pupils gleaned from the mainstream school system and as a result a shorter list of prospective and talented pupils may be drawn up.

We provide a sound platform and introduction to schools where students can use our expertise and look to gain sports scholarship in leading UK independent schools.

If you play sport to a very high level, such as District, County, Academy or team GB and are looking for the best education and sporting opportunity’s then please contact Carl Roberts.

If you would like more information please contact Carl Roberts to arrange a meeting.


Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07920780983